who we are

We are artists, engineers, and parents. We see the need for a way to help our kids create and forge their futures. By building musical instruments and making films with their friends, the kids find that they can apply lessons learned in school and life to a love of learning by creating, planning, and problem-solving.

our mission

Changing the world, one beginner at a time. It is our goal to encourage and inspire others to discover and explore their way to the future.

I received my first guitar when I was 9. I was soon taking it apart, seeing how it worked, and then modifying it as I wanted. I never stopped.

Over the years it progressed from there, experimenting with materials and technology. I have made guitars from a variety of materials, including one of my favorites, plexiglass. It has led to a creative, entrepreneurial life of arts and technology.

our goals

  • Help kids learn and develop new skills using critical thinking and problem solving.

  • Foster communication and collaboration.

  • Inspire creativity and innovation.

  • Fun!.

  • Teach how to approach challenges with confidence, building resilience.

  • Teach a growth mindset.

  • Foster deeper learning.

  • More fun!.